Meridian 'Sweetheart of a Deal' Rebates
January 24, 2025

A Sweetheart of a Deal!

Until February 28th, customers can receive a rebate on the purchase of eligible Meridian Manufacturing, Convey-All, and Goebel products.

Eligible Products:

Meridian Manufacturing:

Fully Equipped Truck Load Conveyors:   $2,500

Bin Fill Conveyors:   $1,500

SmoothWall Bins (4,000 bushel and up):   $1,500

75,000L Fuel Tanks:   $1,500

10’’ and 12’’ Swing Augers:   $1,000

13" and 14" Swing Augers:   $1,500

Fully Equipped Truck Load Augers:   $1,000

15’-27’ Dia. Corrugated Hopper Mount Bins:   $250


CST-1550 Commercial Seed Tenders:   $2,500

Fully Equipped Truck Load Conveyors:   $2,500

CSC-1545 Commercial Seed Carts:   $1,500

Bin Fill Conveyors:   $1,500

Drive-Over Conveyors:   $1,000


Hopper Mount Bins:   $250


  • Products must be new, in-stock, or delivered no later than March 15, 2025.
  • Customers will be required to submit their proof of purchase, serial number, and delivery to receive the
  • Submissions can be made at:

For more information, please give our Equipment Team a call:

Rosetown - 306.882.2649

Plenty - 306.932.1214

Landis - 306.658.2234